Let’s spread
Poetry is not only a faculty of the human being but a specific faculty of children, whose attitude towards life is one of constant surprise and wonder. We’re calling all children with something to say, to speak up and share their feelings, their unique view of the world in the form of an original poem. This is what our community of poets has to say.
Forebears and Place
by @petiteschoses_
Lines march customarily across the land
Stone endlessly arranged on perimeters
A bearing point anchored, holding hands over time
Common too, a well worn path
Moments of perennial occupation
A crossing, a stell, a gate, a cairn
Held too, by the ephemeral light at play
Across an auld scenic stage
A poem by @selena.gypsy
You can pick up the garbage,
you can recycle and pick up the garbage.
By umm picking up the garbage outside
and on the beach and around your school.
To keep the animals safe
from hurting themselves really bad.
A poem by @oliram12
Ha arribat l’hivern cantarem, ballarem i compartirem al costat de la llar de foc.
A la tardor la por s’amaga sota el pont. Com ballen les fulles amunt i avall. ( x2)
A la primavera, les flors s’esveren. -Ja ha arribat la nostra temporada-diuen alegres.
A l’estiu, tothom somriu alegria “riu riu”com diu la peludiu-renudiu-xiquitiu.
L’estiu ha arribat aquí i a BOBO.
A poem by @ielonah
En automne, les feuilles tombent,
En hiver, la ville sombre,
Reviens à moi, petit soleil,
Illumine-moi avec tes merveilles
Bien longtemps qu’il ne fait plus beau,
Que neige et pluie, donne moi ton corps chaud,
Mince, j’ai minci
L’hiver dit que j’ai maigri
Share your poem with us by tagging @_bobochoses_ #BoboChoses